[iPod] Hinweise auf kommende Generation entdeckt

broadcomIn der aktuellen Firmware 3.0 gibt es wohl Hinweise auf die kommende iPod Touch Generation (iPod3,1). Das hat der User kewlgreen beim rum testen in SSH heraus gefunden. There is supposedly going to be a BCM4329 which is Bluetooth 2.1+EDR that has 802.11n wireless.

46194Found in: „/etc/bluetool/“

  • BCM4325D0_004.001.007.0153.0155_N72_032609.hcd
  • BCM4329B1_002.002.023.0015.0016_Olympic_021809_37. 4MHz.hcd
  • iPhone1,1.boot.script
  • iPhone1,1.deepsleep.script
  • iPhone1,1.init.script
  • iPod2,1.boot.script
  • iPod2,1.deepsleep.script
  • iPod2,1.init.script
  • iPod3,1.boot.script
  • iPod3,1.deepsleep.script
  • iPod3,1.init.script
  • pcm-example.script

I was just looking around in SSH on my iPod Touch 2G Firmware 3.0 and i found the BlueTool init script for the iPod touch 3,1. Found in: /etc/bluetool/…”

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