[iPhone] Jailbreak 3.0 – Cat. Bag. Mouse.

Laut dem Dev-Team Blog gibts es Fortschritte beim Jailbreak der Firmware 3.0 des iPhone. Jedoch wird es keine Pwnage-Tool- oder QuickPwn-Version für eine Beta Firmware 3.0 geben. Derzeit gibt es noch Probleme bei der Kommunikation zwischen der Firmware 3.0 und dem Baseband 02.28.

jailbroken 3.0b1

Well, the cat is out of the bag.  The 3.0 firmware from Apple can be jailbroken, and there are now sites out there giving you that jailbreak (after you sort through various ads and browser popups, etc).

Of course it’s not really a surprise that it can be jailbroken.  One of the nicest things about the jailbreaking iPhones and iPod Touches nowadays is that once a given device can be jailbroken, it can always be jailbroken.  The exploits we’re forced to resort to are down at the hardware level, where nothing can be done about them via software.

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